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Here I Come Again, TN!

Writer's picture: Jessie CarlJessie Carl

Oct, 2024

Hello again, Tennessee!

This time we stopped only for a day in Pigeon Forge, which is home to Dollywood!

As we drove in, the rain started coming DOWN and the forecast for our Dollywood day was not looking any better. However, I already purchased my ticket, so I was doing a day of Dolly regardless.

When I woke up the next morning, I was greeted by an even more rainy forecast, and Katie and Ryan both decided to save their money and their shoes and stay in.

I called my Uber, and I was off on my very first solo theme park visit.

My expectations were low because of the rain, and I think that really set me up for success. I got into a conversation with my Uber driver and told her that I was supposed to go with my friends but they sat it out cause of the rain, and she said, "I have a season pass - want me to come in with you and take a few pictures for you?"

We pulled up to the front entrance and Rashonda and I stepped out and into Dollywood. She had me pose in front of the sign, and we even got another person to take a picture of the both of us! She told me she wished she could have stayed the whole day but she had to make money and of course, I completely understood. After a few more photo-ops directed by my new best friend, she was off, and I was on my own in the Wood of Dolly!

Pretty immediately after Rashonda drove off, the rain started coming down. I had a big umbrella we had just bought days prior, and a giant clear plastic poncho (so you could still see my Dolly Parton shirt, don't worry). However, I was wearing a normal pair of sneakers, and it didn't take long to step into a gigantic puddle and completely soak my feet. Despite it all, my spirits were incredibly high!

I ventured around for a bit, explored the shops, listened to a music performance, got a bite to eat, and then headed to the promised land:

The reason I felt okay about going to Dollywood despite the weather was due to the museum section of the park. Full exhibits of Dolly's life, her costumes, wigs, guitars, hair, shoes, videos, portraits, and stories you can't find anywhere else - all INDOORS. I dropped my things off in a cubby and started my indoor tour at the concert venue where Heidi Parton, Dolly Parton's niece performed a 30 min show which I just delighted in. I don't know if it was the music medley, the nostalgia of a theme park performance, or the fact that it was dry, but I had a wonderful time listening to Miss Heidi pay tribute to her Aunt. Not to mention everyone else singing with her was ridiculously talented as well.

Next, we head over to Behind the Seams - an incredible museum of Dolly's favorite costumes, wigs, and glam. This was probably my favorite of all the museums. Glitter and sparkles and giant blonde wigs - it was all just so FABULOUS.

Finally, The Dolly Parton Experience - a complete timeline from Dolly's upbringings to her latest passion project with the Imagination Library. Let me tell you, if you didn't like Dolly before (are you crazy?), you'll love her when you leave. Her life story is incredible and she has stayed a role model for women across America for her entire career.

As I exited the Experience, I heard the loudspeaker announcement blasting that Dollywood was going to close at 4pm due to the weather (5 hours early!), and that meant I only had 30 minutes to make it back to the front of the park and quickly buy as many postcards as I could fit in my bag. Oh, and a Dollywood hat of course.

To many people, the rainy weather, no rollercoasters, soggy shoes, and the park shutting down early would have been a huge bummer. And sure, I would have LOVED to come to Dollywood on a day when none of those things happened. But despite it all, I was pleased as punch the whole day.

To cap it off, Ubers were off-the-charts expensive, so Ryan came to the rescue in my favorite Uber of all - the NUTmobile.

I celebrated my success with a warm shower and some Dolly documentaries before falling asleep at 9pm.

As Dolly says "The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you got to put up with the rain"

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