Well, you wouldn’t believe it, but that pesky little check engine light came on once again. 😅
Ryan and I were alone again this time (Katie was at a wedding for her friend in Chicago) and as we pulled through the Wisconsin Dells, we knew the next couple of days was going to go a lot differently than we had originally planned.
Over nachos and tacos from a roadside Mexican restaurant, Ryan and I scheduled, canceled, and rescheduled all our hotels. Next, we had to reroute ourselves to the nearest Penske… which was… oh crap - the Penske in Madison, WI.
Now, if you don’t remember, the head of the service department at Penske does NOT like the NUTmobile lol. (He did say it belongs 6 feet underground lol) So I really really did not want to bring it back there. After calling back and forth with past Peanutter, Cashew Katie, we landed on connecting with an IZUSU specialist in Milwaukee, WI, and spent the weekend there while we waited to see what was wrong. Crossing our fingers was the best we could do 😰.
At first, I was not excited to make my way up to Milwaukee, but once we got there, I realized it was so similar to a mini-Chicago! Riverwalk, Lake Michigan, fun downtown. The only thing it was missing was all my friends.
I decided to take this weekend to relax, unplug, and just enjoy the fact that we got some impromptu time off.
First stop was the National Bobblehead Hall of Fame and Museum - which I LOVED. A goofy collection of something random is personally one of my favorite “museums” to attend so this was perfect. The theme song they wrote for the intro video is infectious and I was singing it the rest of the day. The collection is over 10,000 strong, and they had a scavenger hunt to go along with your self-guided tour through the museum - an extra prize if you could find Waldo - which I did 🤭.
As much as I try to “get away from work”, this guy follows me everywhere. 😉

My biggest complaint - you are not allowed to bobble any heads at the Bobblehead Museum. To me, that is truly messed up.
The next day was spent at the gorgeous Milwaukee Art Museum - I could not believe how beautiful this building was and how I had never heard of it before?? There wasn’t even enough time to see everything - but I was in awe of all the art work - I’m discovering art museums are one of my favorite activities to do while traveling this year.
A couple of exhibits/pieces I loved:
This one is an entire song’s sheet music stamped onto one canvas:

This pop art piece:

This sculpture is made of buttons reminded me of the drip castles my mom likes to make at the beach:

This chair I wish to have in my future home:

And by far the weirdest and (for some reason) my most favorite, this sack doll with the artists face projected onto it, giving a monologue while being stuck under a metal chair. When I tell you I was just fascinated by this, I couldn't stop staring at it:
I took a walk along the river and enjoyed a sit on a pier as party boats passed by. For once it was fun to be the bystander and not the one in the exciting mode of transportation, if you catch my drift. 🌊
On Monday, I woke up at 6am to the sound of what I can only describe as construction IN MY ROOM. WRRRERRRRRHHHHHHHH
I was shocked, and a bit delirious, but cognizant enough to know that shouldn’t be happening. I looked around my room, nothing.
I looked out my window, nothing.
I looked out my door, nothing.
So… I tried to go back to sleep.
I called down to the front desk, and asked if something was wrong - to which they responded that contruction was indeed occuring right underneath my room and that they would move me if needed. This was supposed to our last day in Milwaukee, so I let them know all was ok.
…And then we got the call that the NUTmobile would need 1 more day before it was ready to be picked up, and we then had to cancel and reschedule with our current hotel to accommodate our sweet, old Marshell. I took thag new room, sans 6am construction.
Ryan’s cousin lives in Milwaukee, so he invited us to trivia that night with his buddies at a local brewery. I didn’t know what to expect, but I ended up having such a
blast and all of his cousin's friends were such a good time. We did not win trivia, but we did pretty well!
Finally, it was time to pick up our NUTmobile, and then even more excitedly, pick up our sweet Katie who has been waiting for us at her hotel in Chicago this entire time. She’s a trooper.
Our reunion was nothing short of a fairytale - ✨we pulled up and she got in✨. Haha in all seriousness, we were so happy to have our Katiekins again, and even more excited to finally be back on the road together!!
Off to Asheville, North Carolina!